
With Paymefy you can increase the debt collection and decreases the recovery time by up to 2 months. You create smart notification sequences to reach your customers through different online channels until they make the payment. No more phone-calls and sending postal letters. Next to saving time the debt collection process enables you to reduce your operating costs by thousands of euros. Your unpaid invoices will be extraced directly from your CRM to save time and Paymefy will customise the notifications with your visual identity.
With Paymefy you can do the following things:
– Paymelink: customizable short links which you can send to your customers to pay by creditcard
– Multi-invoice: if a customer has more than one unpaid invoice, they give them the option to pay them all at once, or choose the ones that they want to actually pay at the moment.
– Installments: this enables your customers to pay their debt in partial payments, allowing you to define the number of installments as well as the applicable interest, if any.
– Feedback: Find out quickly why your customers are not paying